The NFT Ice Cream Truck + Baked Beavers Launch NFT Collectible Cards for Holders

The NFT Ice Cream Truck + Baked Beavers Launch NFT Collectible Cards for Holders

Press Release:

The NFT Ice Cream Truck has announced a collaboration with Baked Beavers to provide an exclusive Baked Beavers online store where holders can purchase collectible cards featuring their Baked Beaver NFTs.

Baked Beavers Builder

The NFT Ice Cream Truck customized store built on behalf of the Baked Beavers collection

In an effort to continue providing exceptional utility and joy to its holders, the Baked Beavers collection creators sought a partner that could provide something different than the run of the mill benefits most collections give their holders. The NFT Ice Cream Truck (ICT) had just the solution with their unique Ice Cream Cards.

The Ice Cream Card containing a proprietary NFC Chip for verification and future rewards (and yes, this one is actually owned by The Blap!)

The Ice Cream Cards are a one-of-a-kind collectible, allowing NFT holders to receive a physical representation of their favorite NFTs while also getting a whole dollop of good stuff via the purchase of a card. The cards have hidden functionality as they are chipped with secure NFC chips, allowing tap-to-verify and share functionality for future initiatives. The Card is not only a fun way to show off NFTs owned across wallets and chains, but also acts as an access pass to ICT’s decentralized app (dapp), an IRL verification token for events and meetups, eligibility for future rewards for Premium card holders, and a great way to share favorite NFT projects with friends out in the wild. The Baked Beavers saw the potential of the cards to not only give its holders something physically representing the collection, but also to help spread the word about the collection in real life.

Early tests have shown that holders enjoy showing off the printed cards while encouraging people to tap it with their phone, upon which a Baked Beavers collection page opens with important information about the collection. The Cards are just the start of the ICT’s plans and you can check out the rest of their roadmap here: Ice Cream Truck Roadmap

The Baked Beavers collection has been a leader in providing utility to its holders and aims to be a premiere project on the Solana chain. It has already secured multiple partnerships for important initiatives such as its staking service and merchandise lines, and continues to seek novel ways to reward its holders and build value for the community. The Baked Beavers saw an immediate opportunity to partner with The NFT Ice Cream Truck due to the unique collectible cards the ICT was creating. In collaboration, the Baked Beavers hired the ICT to build a white labeled shop for Baked Beavers holders, in which holders can create and purchase Ice Cream Cards featuring their favorite Beav NFT(s). In exchange, the Baked Beavers collection is to receive a percent of each card sale and will utilize the funds to further projects on behalf of its holders.

Getting Started with The NFT Ice Cream Truck:

The NFT Ice Cream Truck is building a framework to help NFT collection creators better engage with, measure, and wow their holders outside of the conventional Discord and Twitter channels. The first part of the roadmap includes the launch of the Ice Cream Cards, and is followed by the launch of a decentralized app, which is currently in beta with a small group of users. The ICT allows a number of different ways for NFT collection creators to purchase cards or provide them to their holders:

  • Much like the Baked Beavers collection, an NFT collection can hire the ICT to create a uniquely branded store for holders to purchase Ice Cream Cards (and potentially more). This cuts out any tech requirement on the collection’s part to build a shop and streamlines card purchase and adoption. This also comes with a percentage commission paid back to the collection on every card sold via the store.
  • A collection can buy blocks of card claim codes on behalf of its holders. The collection pays for the cards on behalf of its holders and the ICT delights the holders by delivering an Ice Cream Card of their NFT in your collection directly to their mailbox. There is no additional cost to the holder as shipping is included in teh purchase price. Pricing for the claim codes can be seen on the ICT website here:


About The NFT Ice Cream Truck:

The NFT Ice Cream Truck aims to be the place where holders go to manage their NFTs across chains, wallets, and verticals. The project was created to help holders get the most out of their NFTs, while enhancing the ability for collection creators to engage and reward their holders beyond conventional channels such as Twitter and Discord. Via their beta decentralized app, the ICT is building a one stop shop where holders and collections can verify ownership of NFTs, see important announcements and information related to held projects, and collect or distribute rewards from owned NFT projects. As NFT ownership grows personally and at large, trying to stay on top of each collection as a holder becomes more and more difficult. Instead of having to keep tabs on numerous NFTs, updates, rewards, drops, and announcements in Discord channels, all an NFT holder has to do is get the scoop at the Ice Cream Truck dapp, and collection creators can do the same to better understand and engage with their holders in a whole new way.

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